Colorado Conservation Easement Tax Credits Reduce your Colorado income tax and encourage preservation. Colorado has an innovative tax program that allows the transfer of conservation easement income tax credits from landowners to taxpayers with Colorado income tax liabilities. Landowners can earn up to $5M in tax credits depending on the value of the donation.
Tax Credit Connection, Inc.,

Colorado Environmental Remediation
This Environmental Remediation credit became available beginning in 2014. This widens the market for taxpayers looking to save money on their taxes and it helps property owners to recover qualified costs associated with environmental cleanup work under Colorado’s Voluntary Clean Up Plan. Each project can create up to $525K in credits and there is a $3 million annual statewide cap.

Colorado Historic Preservation
Colorado’s newest tax credit! Historic Preservation Credits Program started issuing credits in July, 2016 to help promote revitalizing historic commercial and residential buildings. Applicants can earn as much as $1M per year for commercial buildings and $50K for residential buildings that qualify.

New Mexico Conservation
Reduce your New Mexico income tax bill and encourage preservation. New Mexico has an innovative tax program that allows the transfer of conservation income tax credits from landowners to taxpayers with New Mexico income tax liabilities. Landowners can earn up to $250K in tax credits depending on the value of their donation.